stress relief, relaxation therapy, sounds of nature

Why is stress/anxiety relief and getting a good night's sleep so important and life-changing?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that 35.2 percent of adults get fewer than 7 hours of sleep every night. This can cause a sleep deficit. And that, in turn, results in permanent physical and mental health difficulties and can attribute to stress. That’s why stress relief and getting a good night’s sleep is so vital to staying healthy.

The meticulous role of sleep is not well-defined. Still, research has shown that it simplifies an extensive range of bodily procedures. These include physical alterations, for example, muscle reparation, and mental chores, such as attentiveness.

stress relief

What Is Stress?

Stress represents the body’s physical and psychological reaction to a threat. When confronted with a nerve-racking situation, the brain activates the fight-or-flight response. And that begins with the release of hormones such as adrenaline. These hormones increase blood pressure, muscle stiffness, breathing and heartbeat, and blood sugar. 

They also cause advanced levels of alertness, reduced sensitivity to pain, and decelerate digestion. These alterations are projected to help a person face an encounter aggressively or run for their lives.

This is why stress relief and stress relief activities can literally be life-changing. The free Soothe stress relief app (available for Android and Apple iOS) will help you relax during the day and get a good night’s sleep

The Sleep-Stress Cycle

Stress and sleep have a give-and-take relationship. Extraordinary levels of stress can add to difficulty sleeping. Consequently, poor quality or inadequate sleep can cause adverse changes to the stress reaction. Comprehending the connection between stress and sleep and the need for stress relief is the primary step to interrupting this exasperating loop.

reduce anxiety

How Stress Upsets Sleep

Chronic stress without any stress relief reasons disruption of the sleep-wake cycle. The innate clock tells the body when to sleep and when it is time to be attentive. When people encounter stress throughout the day, they are more likely to have difficulty falling asleep and describe poor sleep quality at night.

Stress might decrease deep sleep and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, which is significant for psychological and bodily health. Yet, another reason why stress relief is so important.

How Sleep Influences Stress

Not getting sufficient sleep has a noteworthy impact on stress levels and general mood. Investigation proposes that people who have napped better also undergo less undesirable emotions. And they can recover quicker from a traumatic event. 

On a natural level, poor sleep quality and sleep deficiency are supposed to affect stress-related parameters counting cortisol levels and general inflammation. Furthermore, patchy sleep or long-term sleep deficiency can increase cortisol levels. Sleeping, at times, not in accord with natural sleep-wake cycles can also disturb cortisol patterns.

And while yawning and feeling exhausted all the time can be an annoyance, a lack of sleep can greatly impact your health. Specialists say you should attempt to get between seven and eight hours of deep sleep every night, but what does that actually do for you?

Why getting good sleep is so important?

1. Sleep Can Lift Your Immune System

When your body gets the sleep required, your immune cells and proteins get the break they need to repel whatsoever enters your body — like viruses and bacteria. And appropriate sleep can also make vaccines more operative, a positive.

2. Stress Relief and Gaining Sleep Can Help Stop Weight Gain

Racking up eight complete hours of sleep isn’t bring about weight loss. However, it can help your body from gaining those calories in the wrong areas. If you don’t get adequate sleep, your body creates ghrelin, a hormone that increases appetite.

Your body likewise reduces the manufacture of leptin, a hormone that tells promotes satiety. Together, that’s one treacherous couple for putting on some weight.

And more, when you don’t sleep sufficiently, you get more worried. And you don’t have the drive to drive away junk food longings. We all know about stress-eating… hence the need for stress relief.

3. Sleep Can Reinforce Your Heart

Not getting sufficient sleep can lead to heart health difficulties like high blood pressure or heart attacks. That’s since lack of sleep can cause your body to discharge cortisol, a stress hormone that activates your heart to work tougher. Comparable to your immune system, your heart needs to break to function strongly and correctly.

4. Sleeping Can Upsurge Productivity

You can think you’re being extra smart by pulling an all-nighter or working till the sun rises. But delaying a good night’s rest could adversely affect your job or studies. Sleep has been related to better concentration and higher intellectual function, which can aid you in being fruitful at work.

But one fidgety night can leave you feeling exhausted, making it more likely that you’ll make errors that your normal dose of caffeine won’t be able to resolve. And when you rely on caffeine, the wearier you feel, the more probable you are to increase the dose.

And while that might seem to resolve the afternoon crash problem you go through, the additional caffeine later in the day could bring about one more wakeful night. And that’s what you call an adverse counterproductive cycle.

sleep therapy app

If You Can’t Fall Asleep

When you initially get into bed or awaken in the middle of the night, you might find it problematic to doze off again. These tips help clarify what to do when you can’t sleep:

Try Relaxation Methods and stress relief & sleep therapy apps: Don’t focus on exasperating to fall asleep; in its place, focus on just attempting to unwind. Measured breathing, meditation, and muscle relaxation are instances of relaxation methods that can help comfort you into sleep. Another great way is making use of a stress relief and relaxation therapy app.

Use the Soothe app to reduce stress and anxiety, sleep therapy, sound/music therapy and general relaxation. Let it calm you to sleep and have it, by design, shut off after a fixed time. This sound of nature app has over 10 hours of nature sounds to wind down and de-stress you whenever you need it. You can listen to the soothing sounds of nature and gently fall asleep.

Don’t Roll Around in Bed: You want to evade a link in your mind between your bed and annoyance from sleeplessness. This means that if you’ve expended about 20 minutes in bed without being able to nod off, depart from bed and do something calming. Sidestep is checking the time throughout this time. Try to forget about sleep for some minutes before going back to bed.

Trial With Dissimilar Methods: Sleeping problems can be multifaceted. What works for one individual might not work for somebody else. Consequently, it makes logic to try dissimilar tactics to see what works for you. Just keep in mind that it can take some time for innovative methods to come into force. So give your adjustments time to come on stream before supposing they aren’t working for you.

Make a Sleep Diary: A daily sleep journal can benefit you in keeping track of how well you’re sleeping. And it can classify factors that might be facilitating or damaging your sleep. Suppose you’re trying a new sleep schedule or other sleep hygiene alterations. In that case, the sleep diary can help file how well it’s functioning.

Screen Your Caffeine Consumption: Caffeinated drinks, counting coffee, tea, and cold drinks, are among the most general beverages in the globe. Some people are lured into using the kick of energy from caffeine to try to overwhelm daytime drowsiness, but that method isn’t supportable. And it can cause long-standing sleep deficiency. To evade this, keep tabs on your caffeine intake and circumvent it far along in the day when it can be a barricade to sleeping.

All in all, sleep is an important part of your life. Soothe nature sounds app (available for Android and Apple iOS) can help with stress relief and help you fall asleep faster and better!

Soothe stress relief and sleep therapy app for Android

Soothe stress relief and sleep therapy app for Apple iOS

How to use the Soothe stress relief and sleep therapy app